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The gay lifestyle, unfortunately is not without its pitfalls. Anita Bryant could be considered for one pitfall; however, and even more dangerous one is commonly known as VD. Because the gay lifestyle can be so permissive, it is a necessity for each of us to know the facts about VD.

VD stands for venereal disease. It is actually two separate diseases being that of Syphillis and Gonorrhea. Gay or not, anyone can catch them when having sex.

Syphilis is quite deadly and has killed over a million Americans in the 20th century alone. In Ohio, the Syphilis rate is currently 17.4 per 100,000 people. Florida leads the USA as number one with 59.9 per 100,000 people and California is second with 58.4 per 100,000 people.

The first signs of Syphilis might be achancre which, on the average, appears 21 days after contact. The chancre is painless

By Stephen Jobe

and easily goes unnoticed if inside the rectum or vagina. After two to five weeks it will go away. Should a person be taking certain types of penicillin, the chancre may not appear at all; but since normal dosages are so small or may be the wrong kind of penicillin; being cured will not be the case.

Up to six months later, new symptoms appear being a body rash, scaly skin, or patches of hair falling out. Many times the symptoms are accompanied by fever or sore throat. Gradually the symptoms will disappear and the disease will become non-contagious. The disease will then attack the central nervous system. In five or more years, blindness, paralysis, or insanity can set in from the disease.


Permissive especially, should have a blood test periodically as this is a sure way to tell whether or not one has the disease. It can be cured quite easily with a few large



dosages professionally administered. Gonorrhea is the other disease commonly called the Clap. Next to the common cold, Gonorrhea is one of the most widespread diseases in the world. Gonorrhea is a localized disease in its early stages and tends to be found in the moist, warm membranes of the body such as the rectum, vagina, penis, and mouth. It can be transmitted easily by just touching the infected area.

The symptoms of Gonorrhea appear 10 to 30 days after contact. If the Gonorrhea is in the rectum, vagina, or mouth, no symptoms will appear or will go unnoticed. In the penis, the symptoms are easy to spot as the dripping or discharge will stain the underwear. Often too, there is a burning sensation when urinating. Gonorrhea in the vagina, like the penis, occasionally produces a discharge or burning upon urination. In the rectum there may be an irritation


"Give him three drinks and he's the life of the party."

you say "no booze" on the invitations, some of your best

"A couple of belts and he friends won't come. If you surreally gets turned on."

"After two drinks I can feel it a little. After four drinks anybody can feel it."

"Take off your coat and have a drink."

Each time we used the word drink we thought of alcohol, didn't we?

Think of the number of people you think you know whom you've met only at bars or parties where everyone has had a few drinks. Do you really know them? Are you sure?

Plan a party fancy, good food, great music, soft lights and beautiful decorations all the pop and coffee you want, but no booze. Chances are if

prise them after they get there the party will soon dwindle and be over early.

Sure you are a charming, witty, bright, gay host. But can you make a party a success without the help of liquor? Are you game to try?

Yes, alcohol seems to be a necessary part of American social life gay or straight, and maybe that's OK. but for those who really need alcohol to get witty, get happy, get romantic, to dance or to talk to people, it quickly becomes a problem.

Sometimes they figure if "three drinks get me high, six will double the fun." Not true for some people. Somewhere bet-


Dear Andy:

Every time my lover and I have an argument or disagreement, I always have to be the one to patch things up... or almost always. We have been together for five years and it's still the same. My lover tends to be stubborn and inflexible whenever a certain level of confrontation is reached. I love this person more than I could ever love anyone else, but why does this situation have to exist, can't we keep the lines of communication open, instead of having this refusal to open up and discuss the problem... moping doesn't help anything. Frustrated!

Dear Frustrated:

No relationship, however perfect is ever 50-50... everything is 40-60 or 49-51 or 70-30 ... it depends on which part of the relationship you are talking

about. You knew this when you first got together.. at least in some small part. Maybe you spend too much money and your better half helps to save it... the 60-40 is now on the other side of the fence ... or perhaps one is a great socialite and the other is fine in business... there are many complementary aspects of any relationship, plus as you said early in your letter... after five years, it's still the same. You may have meant this in a slightly different context ... but you show enough concern and love in your letter to let me know that you mean it this way also.

That manic attraction that brought you together is STILL THE SAME. And it will continue to be... everyone has their good and not so good points, but you should realize and accept this For better or Worse, For richer or Poorer ... love is the same on both sides of the fence. Once you realize that your lover

ween 2 and 22 drinks their personality changes. Happy guys get mean. Serious guys get silly. Tough guys cry and little guys pick fights with giants.

Go to a bar or party some night when everybody is drinking booze, but you drink Coke all evening. Chances are you'll get bored. At least you'll be amused (or amazed) watching other people go through their changes.

Now if you pass around a few joints or pills you can see more interesting things happen, and the guests who cause the most trouble along with the ones who have the most fun, probably will not remember you were there. They may not even remember where the party was or even that there was a party. They went

doesn't choose to communicate as much as you would wish that he/she would, always try to think what the misunderstanding is, and try to open the lines of communication again, as quickly as possible. Most problems arise out of misunderstanding in one form or another, and always try to keep respect very much alive in feelings and conversations of this nature as long as you respect one another and openly show that to one another, very little can really go wrong. Sometimes it helps to open the door back up with the three little words that truly tell it all ... I LOVE YOU! Putting all of these ideas together for your solution should certainly stop you from being Frustrated! Dear writer in Chamblee, eorgia:

No state legally recognizes lesbian or gay marriages. However, you may form a legal

or pus covered feces. If it's in the throat, a redness or swelling may appear.

Testing for Gonorrhea is a simple process by taking a culture (or swab) of the throat, rectum, or vagina. This then will be a sure way to know whether you'contacted the disease or not.

There is no vaccine to prevent VD and one cannot become immune. One can catch the disease over and over. There are precautions which help such as urinating promptly after sex and washing the exposed membranes with soap and water. The only foolproof method to prevent getting Vd is to becom a hermit. Very few of us would like to do that, so periodic check ups should be in order every 3 months if one is very permissive and every 12 months for the others. The State Health Department in your city or a VD Clinic performs the tests free of charge. Check community High Gear's reference or your phone book for their location and phone number.

By Jack Ryan

into a blackout (or blankout). What happened just wasn't recorded on "memory tapes."

And they'll do it again and again unless they stop depending on booze or drugs for their good times. Probably they cannot break that dependency on their own. They may need professional help or AA. (And there's Gay AA, you know). They certainly need your TLC. They need your tough love. Don't kill them or let them die through misguided kindness.

If you or your friends really NEED a drink call (216) 2417387 in the Cleveland area and ask for the telephone number of someone from the Open Door. In Columbus call (614) 864-5440. Elsewhere, call your local Alcoholic Anonymous office.

partnership in any state to jointly own any and all property. Of course, your local Metropolitan Community Church does perform holy unions on a regular basis and provides counselling services prior to the union.

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